The warehouse system extracts, transforms, and loads data from heterogeneous sources into a single common queriable schema so data becomes compatible with each other.
This is the case when presenting computer performance with respect to a reference computer, or when computing a single average index from several heterogeneous sources (for example life expectancy, education years and infant mortality).
To facilitate the validation of space borne measurements by correlative data from heterogeneous sources, the use of a common file format becomes a necessity.
Ontology based Data Integration involves the use of ontology(s) to effectively combine data or information from multiple heterogeneous sources.
A major alternative to the plume model is a model in which ruptures are caused by plate-related stresses that fractured the lithosphere, allowing melt to reach the surface from shallow heterogeneous sources.
Information integration (II) (also called deduplication and referential integrity) is the merging of information from heterogeneous sources with differing conceptual, contextual and typographical representations.
Integrating heterogeneous sources.
What is known of pre-Spanish Maya religion stems from heterogeneous sources (the primary ones being of Maya origin):
The purpose of XML is to eliminate barriers to data exchange and permit the integration of data from heterogeneous sources [ 5 6 ] .
Radiocarbon dating of soil organic matter (SOM) is problematic because SOM accumulates from heterogeneous sources.