But such acknowledgements of the 'other' gender usually make for a fuller, more rounded, heterosexual identity.
The term can also be used by anyone who wishes to distinguish from heterosexual or heteronormative identities.
Women who previously identified as heterosexual tried sleeping with women, though many maintained their heterosexual identity.
May be permitted to keep some "heterosexual" identity (as "not an all or none" issue).
The heterosexual identity, he argues, was constructed in response to those pressures.
Women who remained in relationships with male-to-female transsexuals maintained a heterosexual identity, yet reported changes in their sexual lives.
The term suggests that the woman to whom it is applied will ultimately adopt a strictly heterosexual identity.
When she hooked up with bad girl Alex Kelly, the two entering into a romantic relationship, her heterosexual identity became the source of speculation.