Time hasn't lessened the frustration of what Knox still grumbles was a "lost season," but he does remember a hidden benefit.
Some analysts see hidden benefits in Warner Music's diminished role.
The hidden benefit for investors, however, may be that advisers will focus more on expenses and other fees in deciding where to put their assets.
Facebook has its faults but it also gives you a hidden benefit.
Still, such things had a hidden benefit.
The unions are particularly concerned about their workers' losing some of the hidden benefits they enjoy under the current system.
Perhaps that's the hidden benefit to our entanglement in Afghanistan: it's practice for Mars.
One hidden benefit of Linux may be in the lower demands it makes on computers.
The engineer's aim, Professor Nathanson, should be to create the hidden benefits without punishing the user.
There may be a hidden benefit, however, for smokers who need that extra nudge to quit.