In a few minutes all would be in the deep, hidden caverns.
Then he emerged from the shack, and went back toward the hidden cavern, using his intermittent flashlight to guide the way.
If there's a hidden cavern, it has to be around here.
Last night there had been talk about hidden caverns, fabulous treasures, even a secret tunnel leading into the citadel.
A cell as solid as the hidden cavern itself.
As for the hidden cavern, M'k'n'zy himself had almost fallen victim to it several years previously.
It was the same carving Kirk had seen on the passageway stones that led to this hidden cavern.
Just before that, though, on the way up the rugged mountainside to the hidden cavern, they had been attacked by a Harkonnen patrol.
A hidden cavern doesn't seem to fit in with that legend.
Directly before him on the scarcely visible track lay the entrance to the hidden cavern, the door still open.