- Investigations of a serial child murderer expose hidden fears in all involved.
Puzzlement and exhaustion struggled for a moment behind his clear green eyes, and with them a hidden fear.
She deliberately leaned back in the command chair, conscious of many eyes and many more hidden fears turning her way.
The hidden fears of princes might recall deeds that for the safety of the city must not be changed!
She did not question Benjamin about his hidden fear- the thing he could not bring himself to mention.
Still, some hidden fear prevented him from succumbing to the hypnotic stare.
Aushan - The fear song, used to bring hidden fears to life and punish misbehaviour.
I did not think it kind of him to seize so upon a hidden fear this way and drag it out before my eyes.
In many of these plays, the chorus told the audience what the main characters could not say, such as their hidden fears or secrets.
She slowly sat, glancing to one who nodded, his eyes reflect- ing her own hidden fear.