She's familiar with the way this obliviousness works visually, how the eye can uncover a hidden image.
The hidden graphic images, he added, are "not something it is possible to accidentally stumble across" in the course of playing the game.
Meanwhile, George uses the lens on the statue in the church and looks through it to discover a hidden image of a burning man.
The viewer must diverge his or her eyes in order to see a hidden three-dimensional image within the pattern.
Like the anamorphosis, the hidden image has a long tradition in Western painting.
Help find the answer and discover the hidden image!
Q. How do those 3-D pictures work, the ones for which you focus your eyes to see hidden images?
The album's packaging features several hidden images that can be revealed by using a decoder.
Finally, like all Graeme Base books there are multiple hidden images in every picture.
So he enclosed the photographs in black boxes and attached a written description of the hidden images.