She wanted to follow but plainly the hidden menace now lay between her and freedom.
The Shadow knew the need for counterstrokes against a hidden menace.
Half of them had fallen; the others were rushing away from the hidden menace.
The name alone conjured up all sorts of hidden menace and unspeakable horror.
He seemed to feel hidden menace in every patch of blackness outside the shack.
Sheer terror in a nightmare can be the result of an unseen, hidden menace - for instance behind a closed door.
He wondered if they, too, held some hidden menace; their gentle hissing began to seem somehow ominous to him.
The hidden menace of the computer age is that data stored all in one place can disappear in an instant.
The situation, to Larry, was proof of hidden menace.
Cults in our midst: the continuing fight against their hidden menace.