He plucked the tiny glass out of my hand and turned away with it, carrying it back to the hidden niche it came from.
One in particular, however, emerged item some hidden niche in her head, unvisited since the day she'd sealed it up there.
At the top he walked a hundred paces and then looked around for some hidden niche in the broken ground where he could lie.
As the blade whirred back into its hidden niche, Nicholas somersaulted through the opening.
On a sudden impulse he moved to the panelled wall, seeking the hidden niche.
After a minute or so he emerged from the hidden niche and now, somehow, he was visible.
The walls of the room were tapestried, at each side, curtains denoted hidden niches that served as closets.
He was directly in front of the hidden niche at the far end of the room.
As Jake gathered the books, Annie climbed back onto the chair and started to close the door to the hidden niche.
Luch found her hidden niche before anyone noticed her.