After making the acquaintance of several exotic animals in the desert, Lucky finally stumbles upon the hidden oasis.
East or west was desert scattered with hidden oases, already occupied by Mahahmbi.
Through glassy eyes, she glanced around, never having felt so utterly alone, trapped here in this hidden oasis, a place both tragic and beautiful, lush with vegetation.
Once it had been a garden; now it was a hidden oasis.
The Glenmore Reservoir serves as a prime hidden oasis from the busy life of the city where many can enjoy the sounds of nature as well as the vast array of wildlife that frequent the area.
Soothing Spot in Capital Not far from the hurly-burly of the nation's Capitol and its politics, a hidden oasis, courtesy of Henry Adams, offers peace.
Iparu - A shapeshifting OverWorld Elementalist that makes his home in a hidden oasis in the desert.
In between lay a million micro-environments, the rocky plateau pocked with hidden oases, and every crack filled with plants.
It exists, according to myth, in the center of the largest desert in the world, a tiny, hidden oasis where temperatures are not as uncomfortable as elsewhere in the region.
On the far side is a hidden oasis.