She sensed the hidden perils in this gift then.
But look, that forest up ahead could hold hidden perils.
He learned that for all its wonders the vibration suit was fraught with hidden perils.
Visitors are welcome to witness the fleet in action, but must respect the fact that the area is very much a working beach with many hidden perils.
The eyes of those closest to her were filled with fear, constantly straying to one another as if waiting for some hidden peril.
She sensed hidden peril in the grin that preceded her exit.
Here also we are grateful to the train, as to some god who conducts us swiftly through these shades and by so many hidden perils.
"In these areas where people had moved to escape the city, assuming it was safe, now you had this hidden peril."
He sent an egg-dowser forward to find a clear way through the stretch of ground filled with hidden peril.
"So we continue to walk into hidden peril, when by so much we may be able to guard, and guide?"