In the stories the Company buys up their holdings to protect its hidden resources in the island's interior.
Believes to be able to tell the future, and can find hidden resources (water and plants).
These Fremen must possess hidden resources that we have never suspected.
It activates underused or hidden resources in its stakeholdres ecosystem.
Man's predicament is that he intuits his hidden resources, but he does not dare use them.
Now, in this hour of his greatest peril on earth, he called upon his hidden resources.
It has been described as "a way of using language to induce and maintain trance in order to contact the hidden resources of our personality".
There is, in fact, a large hidden resource in reduced alcohol consumption.
Geologists from French mining companies scrutinized the land for hidden resources, and invested in various projects.
The book's original subtitle was Strategies for uncovering your hidden spiritual resources.