Firebird pulled her black dagger from its hidden sheath and lunged.
Gundhalinu took a step forward, saw two knives come out of hidden sheaths.
Ajatasutra quickly cleaned his dagger, but he did not replace it in its hidden sheath.
Abruptly he slid the knife back into its hidden sheath.
Slowly, with an impressive disdain, the master slipped his own dagger into a hidden sheath.
The Black Knight had regained his feet and had drawn a knife from a hidden sheath.
Felix could still feel the weight of the throwing dagger in the hidden sheath on his forearm.
Without even waiting to be questioned, Asil drew a knife from a hidden sheath in his jacket and stepped towards the uniformed man.
Olympias drew a slender knife from the hidden sheath high on her thigh, and waited.
The young man returned his knife to the hidden sheath in his boot.