He also makes a discovery in the house's basement: a hidden vault filled with thousands of pictures of a beautiful young woman.
The two newest clones also find many more unconscious doubles in a secret hidden vault below the main level.
During the course of the film, Max and Christie form a plan to steal over $100,000,000 stowed away inside a hidden vault.
He began to move swiftly about the room, searching for a hidden vault and careful to disarrange nothing in his search.
Davlin saw nothing out of the ordinary, no hidden underground vaults, buried pods, or lock-chambers.
I had it stored in my hidden vault before I began my pretended illness.
Like a creature from some hidden vault of space, a form was emerging from blackness.
It worked, but the only surviving samples of the elixir are secured in a hidden vault down below.
No room for a hidden vault, then.
The knowledge must've been taken and sent to whatever hidden vault we seek.