They say most of the worst offenders are in hiding abroad, in Kenya, Zaire, France, Cameroon.
Krzysztof Rutkowski captured numerous criminals who were hiding abroad and could not be extradited.
His books and posters of him were burned at rallies and he received death threats, after which, for a while, he went into hiding abroad.
Since mid-2004, investigations in the United States and in Chile have uncovered an illicit fortune of more than $27 million that he hid abroad.
Li's allegations could not be independently verified, and he currently lives in hiding abroad.
Kenya has issued a warrant to arrest him, but as of January 2010 he was at large and believed to be in hiding abroad.
An international warrant was issued for their chief, General Oleksiy Pukach, who was supposedly hiding abroad.
"He began to want people to feel humiliated in front of him, and then he became part god," said Mr. Orazov, now in hiding abroad.
Jung-ho explains how during Sung-taek's absence Joon-seok's gang sent him into hiding abroad.
According to police spokeswoman Petra Hrášková, "information that Harman's family is hiding abroad at the advice of the police cannot be confirmed or denied".