It took another moment for her mind to fully grasp the hideous truth.
Christy looked at him, remembered Franky, and faced the hideous truth.
The hideous truth, working its way slowly through the concrete, had at last penetrated to his brain.
Heitor was like a child clinging to a cherished belief that had saved him from the hideous truth.
What restitution could possibly be enough for the death of his father once he knew the hideous truth behind it?
I turned over and buried my face in my poor pallet, trying to shut out the hideous truth that my eyes had revealed.
This led directly to Young George Washington telling the painful and hideous truth.
The hideous truth can be concealed no longer: Ferdinando is not one of us.
The detective, more alert than ever, knew the hideous truth.
Marie-Jeanne waved her hands, as if she would push him away, and the whole, hideous truth with him.