For those churches under the congregational model, each church governed itself independently of a hierarchical authority.
Sometimes the term is used interchangeably with anarchism, an ideology which rejects the state and other compulsory forms of hierarchical authority altogether.
The Kingdom of Burundi was characterized by a hierarchical political authority and tributary economic exchange.
Associated with this theory are such concepts as "span of control", "closeness of supervision", and "hierarchical authority".
They put a premium on physical well being, hierarchical authority, and being part of an elite unit.
"It grew without much management structure because they had a corporate culture based on shared values and the Mormon respect for hierarchical authority," he said.
They are a highly egalitarian people without a hierarchical authority or ranked social structure.
The hierarchical authority of men over women had considerable flexibility in daily life.
Following hierarchical authority and saintliness do not always go hand in hand.
The auction-based approach is a useful tool for controlling large systems because it can operate without a hierarchical authority.