In the late 18th century, the term "class" began to replace classifications such as estates, rank, and orders as the primary means of organizing society into hierarchical divisions.
There is no universally accepted hierarchical division of the Canadian Rockies into subranges.
While not inevitable, it is however clearly possible that a broadly common position within the hierarchical division of labour forms the basis for a corporate body or social collectivity embracing workers in different enterprises and branches.
This is in part a reaction against a past striving for excellence in the plainsong tradition and, in some places, against the hierarchical division between 'choir' and 'lay'members.
Extensive impoverishment, entrenched hierarchical social divisions and the lack of correlation between educational attainment and job opportunities are often cited in studies of the hurdles literacy programmes face in Bihar.
Worth mentioning is the hierarchical division of building practices, which reflected the feudal societal structure: On the heights stood the old castle, which represented the way the nobility lived.
You have to fit into the industrial model of working based on hierarchical divisions of skills and responsibilities.
The political-administrative division of the municipalities accompanied the hierarchical division of the bishoprics in "freguesias" (parishes).
He shunned the sharp hierarchical divisions that existed and sought to remove all distinctions between the hierarchically superior master class and the subordinate, servile class.
Only fairly recently, in fact, has the structure of Taino society, with its shaded hierarchical divisions into nobles, priests and commoners, been fully understood.