Research points can be spent to acquire new technology in a hierarchical fashion at any time during the game.
It is also relevant that the authors do not treat their material in a hierarchical fashion.
Like the American automobile industry of a decade ago, public schools in this country are organized in hierarchical fashion.
The categories continue to operate in this hierarchical fashion until we reach the sixth and final class: cannabis.
The Army's think tank for innovation and transition is organized in a circular rather than hierarchical fashion.
These small scripts are then used in a hierarchical fashion to construct larger tests, realizing a particular test case.
Skeletons can be nested in a hierarchical fashion via the Rep objects.
Comments on the featured posts are shown in a hierarchical fashion also based on votes.
The fact that addresses are given out in hierarchical fashion doesn't help.
Some orders are tightly organized in hierarchical fashion; others have allowed their local branches considerable autonomy.