Many real-world data structures fit into the hierarchical pattern, however, and they are also readily understood.
These incentives, which were discontinued in the 1970s, gave the initial impetus for the application of the hierarchical pattern.
This followed the hierarchical patterns of the various mystery cults that were popular at the time in the Roman Empire.
The Chinese government's internal media publication system follows a strict hierarchical pattern designed to facilitate party control.
Coordination - The organization or propaganda ministry is organized in a hierarchical pattern in order to maintain consistent and synchronized distribution of information.
Each woman remained attached to some male contractor, according to the older organic and hierarchical pattern.
The study concluded that the non-hierarchical, traditional layout generally shows lower peak speed and shorter, more frequent intersection delays than the hierarchical pattern.
In the late 1980s, the decision-making process for foreign policy matters followed a fairly hierarchical pattern.
The hierarchical pattern founds parent/child associations between services.
The land use distribution of Dwarka follows a distinct hierarchical pattern from sub-city level to sector level.