Which new complex feature of DNA structure will produce new hierarchical principles of regulation and control?
The hierarchical principle remains common to the fanatics of both sides: opposite the capitalism of Lloyd George and Krupp appears the anticapitalism of Lenin and Trotsky.
The hierarchical principle is the magic spell that has blocked the path of men in their historical struggles for freedom.
Blais' publications and creative work explore the overlap of digital culture, indigenous culture, and permaculture which has included advocacy for updated tenure and promotion criteria based on sharing rather than hierarchical principles.
Looking around at the world, it was clear to many that the problems of the day-a sagging economy, political unrest, and a litany of intractable social problems-were not solvable in a world organized according to the hierarchical principle.
In deciding the shape it should take, the natural tendencies of the little-educated and uneducated woman were carefully considered-such qualities as her feeling for hierarchical principles and her disposition to respect artificial distinctions.
POLICE should abandon 'fashionable management theories' which blur traditional relationships between ranks and return to the hierarchical principles of leadership, a senior officer said yesterday.
Many organisations - such as the army, and trade or religious guilds (often organised for burial purposes) - operated on hierarchical principles.
Within such an approach, objects may not be reducible to the workings of a central hierarchical principle, or be directly related to what are otherwise considered the most important social divisions.
A transcendental signifier is any metaphysical, hierarchical principle that presumes to determine which constructions of signifiers are "natural" or "proper."