This classification is largely based on Vaillant's hierarchical view of defences, but has some modifications.
Anthony's triangle takes a hierarchical view of management structure.
The term "business" can be confusing as it is often linked with a hierarchical view (by function) of a company.
He held a hierarchical view of such a society with the whites holding "the spirit of adventure and command".
A hierarchical view of the iOS technologies can be shown as:
He uses "Complementarianism" to describe what he calls "a milder form of the historical hierarchical view."
It was a mashup with applications which permitted a hierarchical view of all projects managed through
In their hierarchical view of the world, they inevitably sat on top of the pile.
Scene Explorer, a tool that provides a hierarchical view of scene data and analysis, facilitates working with more complex scenes.
The Class, subject and entity forms a hierarchical view of data.