The proposals also shifted the burden for payment of sick pay from the government to the employer in an attempt to combat high absenteeism.
In fact, the flu has caused high absenteeism among students and staff at the country's 119,000 schools.
For its part, the district says it closes on the High Holy Days only to avoid the disruption of high absenteeism.
In turn, these conditions may lead to poor work performance, higher absenteeism, less work productivity or even injury.
"If the overtime was not there, they would create the overtime through vandalism, low productivity and high absenteeism."
There was a high absenteeism among eligible voters - about 60 percent - which was attributed to a lack of interest in the detailed amendments.
In the mid-1980s, the plant was facing closure due to high absenteeism and low quality of the G-body cars built there.
Companies routinely suffer from high absenteeism and low productivity brought about by this parental stress.
It had low test scores, high absenteeism and a student turnover rate of almost 50 percent a year.
About 15% of students are absent on a given day, with much higher absenteeism in certain districts as a result of increased poverty level.