It also implements certain programs for students who have high aptitudes in certain areas:
As a child, Kristen Strickland exhibited a high scholastic aptitude.
"I wish we could have found someone with a high telepathic aptitude," said Garner.
The non-commissioned officer in charge and his staff had to have a high aptitude for understanding and working with mechanical devices.
For Airmen with high aptitudes, some of these training programs include more than one school and take one year or more to complete.
He showed high aptitude for mechanical work at a very young age.
The climate of the region is temperate with high thermal aptitude.
High standards of behavior and performance, as well as high aptitude, are expected.
He has great learning abilities and a high aptitude in philosophy, and has been described as having an eidetic memory.
A. donax maintain a high productive aptitude without irrigation under semi-arid climate conditions.