A higher pitched cackle of glee replaced the deeper chuckle.
He laughed aloud, a high piercing cackle.
Old Simeon Lee cackled to himself, a sudden, high cackle of amusement.
"As an inadequate piece of a pale pig's ear," said Chiun with a high cackle before he disappeared into a separate room.
He laughed, a high, shrill cackle, as he whirled to slam the door shut and drop a heavy oaken bar across it.
Distant squawking sounds rose from the chickens in their yard behind the house; not ordinary squawks of protest or demand, but high cackles of alarm.
Grandma's high cackle joined in, and Dolour, coming down the stairs, frowned at such unseemly mirth.
Sharbaraz gaped, then laughed himself, a high, shrill cackle that seemed made up of concentrated essence of relief.
He laughed in a thin, high cackle.
There was a burst of laughter from the next room, an old woman's high cackle, and the giggling of children.