Its higher caseload is a result, in part, of the growing number of arrests for public drinking and urinating.
The advocates also foresee sharply higher caseloads for already overburdened foster care workers.
These staff shortages inevitably lead to higher caseloads.
But with high caseloads in many counties, that can be a lengthy process.
You've got people with high caseloads," she said, "inadequate qualifications, minimal training and poor supervision.
More than 8,000 people received cash assistance under the state's welfare reform program in September, the highest caseload since May 1999.
Child welfare experts routinely cite high caseloads as a reason that many abused and neglected children fall through the cracks.
"In the month of June we received the highest increased caseload in the last three years, somewhere in the 600- to 700-case range."
New York's lowest prevlanece areas still have higher caseloads than most other parts of the nation.
School officials say the board has seven lawyers to handle its 176 disciplinary cases, giving them a higher caseload than lawyers at other city agencies.