She thought she could see clusters of red fruit, high above the ground.
And sure enough, far away, and high in the sky, a little cluster of dots were visible which grew rapidly larger and larger, resolving themselves finally into eleven malagors with their burdens of warriors and captives.
She found the clusters of bell-shaped blossoms, laden with pollen, high in the hills.
A towering boulder jutted from the earth some twenty paces ahead and to his left; to the right was a cluster of smaller rocks, no more than four feet high.
This was the highest cluster and the one that spilled farthest out into the water.
Beyond the fences, Grant saw dense clusters of large ferns, five feet high.
The complex consists of three subunits in most bacteria, and nine in mitochondria: both bacterial and mitochondrial complexes contain cytochrome b and cytochrome c1 subunits, and an iron-sulphur 'Rieske' subunit, which contains a high potential 2Fe-2S cluster.
The area had high clusters of rock on three sides that would provide a natural barrier against the wind.
The marquis opened a door in the side of the tower, beside a high cluster of chimneys, and they went down a poorly lit spiral staircase.
There was there what would tempt any sportsman, for a whole world of aquatic birds fluttered between the higher clusters, which shook with the stream.