Usually seen between 20 and 80 cm high.
Pitchers grow to around 25 cm high and range in colour from green to brown, with the speckled form being the most common.
They can jump up to 2 cm high and 10 cm long.
Sleeping, sitting, eating and working areas had been divided into 2.4m (8ft) steps, each 23 cm (9in) higher than the other.
It is usually 60-70 cm high and weighs 35-50 kg.
It is a small plant about 30 cm high and 40 cm broad.
The pitchers grow up to 25 cm high and 9 cm wide.
Areas of short and tall grass grow in the volcano area, ranging from less than 20 cm high to over 1 meter.
All platforms are 145 m long, 96 cm high and provided with barrier-free access.
With compact leaves, this form reaches 60 cm (24 in) high and wide.