The courtyard of the ambulatory was completely filled by the core building, a massive 22m large and 11m high construction.
It has over a hundred residential buildings from 5 to 45 floors high and forthcoming constructions are promised to be higher.
It has around a hundred residential buildings ranging from 5 to 30 floors high and forthcoming constructions are expected to be higher.
Due to its position as the highest construction in the area, it is the most familiar image of it.
Investigators said planning for Expo 98 had started too late, leading to significantly higher construction and operating costs.
It is a 5-storeyed construction, 36 metres high.
A salade nicoise is a construction three inches high.
This often results in higher construction and financing costs.
They include the scarcity of properly zoned sites and high construction and land costs.
However, a spire of solid stone reached at least three stories higher than all the more recent constructions.