It is a promise that has been made again and again - in particularly high decibels during the last presidential election.
Others simply watched; a few dozed despite the high decibels from the live singer and his synthesizer.
The opinions expressed by the business owners, sometimes shared at high decibels, did not break along predictable lines.
The burnout category awards points for high decibels and volume of tire smoke generated during a run.
As your article makes clear, subway noise can register up to 116 decibels, perhaps higher.
He is relieved but energized, spitting out his words at high decibels.
The resulting hilarity, it seems, can reach rather high decibels.
Sam always yelled when he spotted Damian, mangling his name at high decibels.
The Chinese are also generally much more tolerant of high decibels than most foreigners.
Why should I trade this noise for the different but even higher decibels of a city?