Also, the Nieuwe Bildtdijk eventually lost its function when an even higher and stronger dike was thrown up in the 20th century.
The lounging guardsmen were all alert, scanning the high dike to the east through which the Banner flowed.
During wartime the high dikes of the Yellow River were sometimes deliberately broken in order to flood advancing enemy troops.
A new higher and stronger dike between it and the sea makes it no longer the first barrier to the sea.
Sergeant Theodore Finkbeiner believes he was one of the first to reach the high dike roadway.
The poorly graded road was about ten meters wide and bordered by high dikes, which allowed the coil formation to block it like a cork.
Half went to Grand Forks, N.D., where a higher dike is to be built.
In the final approach they saw that the brown ring was a dike, quite broad and fairly high.
Cautiously, the four Marines crawled over a high, dirt dike below which a tall stand of cane grew green and straw brown.
A high dike around the village and a new dam upstream have finally controlled the rush of the waters.