The newest thing, from London, is a black slip-on from Crockett & Jones with a pointy toe, a high instep and no monk strap.
Therefore Evelyn, sitting on Ilse's table and swinging her high, silken-sheathed instep flauntingly in the face of girls who had no silk stockings, was prepared to be disagreeable.
Her arms and hands were remarkably expressive, and her high, arched insteps gave beauty to the line of her feet sur les pointes.
They'd gotten the size right, even accounting for his triple-E width and high instep.
Maels assessed her fine strong calves, the fashionable wedge heels cupping voluptuous high insteps.
Here we see a few of the 48 diminutive hopefuls who showed up that day, awaiting their turn to impress the judges with a high instep or a particularly sylphlike extension.
With closed toes and high insteps, they look like regular shoes when viewed from the front but are a breeze to slip into and out of.
In cases of unusually high instep or metatarsal joint flexibility, it is sometimes necessary to flex the toes to achieve proper alignment.
His feet had high insteps that meant that when he stood normally, his toes would not touch the floor.
Yeah because I mean if there, if you've got a high instep it still don't matter because you only widen your laces don't you?