Higher volume for a stock is an indicator of higher liquidity.
In general, markets with high liquidity exhibit smaller spreads than less frequently traded markets.
To pick companies in the selected industries, the managers screen them for low debt levels and high liquidity.
This was because of the relatively high liquidity of their structure and interests.
The Bank of Japan attempted to cultivate inflation with high liquidity and a nominal 0% interest rate on loans.
For example, according to the letter, about half of Kidder's assets are in investments of short duration and high liquidity.
Such high liquidity requires a conservative approach, and Mr. Palermo said he would continue to emphasize safe investments.
The Savings Bond Drive is a saving program with high liquidity as well as tax benefits.
Some future contracts and specific delivery months tend to have increasingly more trading activity and have higher liquidity than others.
"Health care is the best sector for maintaining high liquidity, high quality and high earnings growth visibility."