It is a small tree which grows from three to five metres high on average.
Plants grow to between 0.5 and 1 metre high with a similar spread.
In total, the Q1 is 322.5 metres (1058 feet) high.
It grows to 6 metres high and flowers from spring to winter.
The building is 72 metres (232 ft) high and has 23 floors.
The legs were a metre high, which brought the top of the head level with lone's.
On the western boundary are the remains of a bank approximately 1.5 to 2 metres high.
Some of these pyramids are over 60 metres high (200 feet).
The building is 109 metres (358 feet) high and was renovated in 2009.
The building has 20 floors and is 77.6 metres (256 ft) high.