Reb1 sites were often found in clusters and these clusters had 10-fold higher occupancy than expected.
"Right now, if we had not cut room rates, we would have high occupancy and be able to bring in a lot more money," he said.
Availability, however, remained at levels lower than much of the county's recent history because of high occupancy in 2000.
Still, the yearly figure was below 1989's 62.6 percent, which is the highest occupancy recorded by Smith since 1986.
The new executive team is hopeful that its high occupancy and reorganization efforts will attract outside investment in the company.
The 91 now has the highest occupancy per vehicle of any major road in California, state officials said.
These were multi-family buildings, usually two to three storeys in height, with a high occupancy and little space.
The county has seen healthy rent growth and high occupancy.
With weather like today, we normally have high occupancy.
The result is potentially higher occupancy of the track, and higher capacity.