The machine was ballistic for 30 seconds, rising in a high parabola, before it started to re-configure.
I lifted straight up for some fifty miles; a high parabola.
He came to as the ship went into free flight, arching in a high parabola over the plains.
He spied the bomb going in the same direction, arching in a high parabola, a curve that threatened to graze the ceiling.
The ball took off on a high parabola, arcing like a shell from an offshore battleship - presaging an invasion?
It launched itself in a high parabola, and landed on Ralph's shoulder.
By its long, naked tail, he removed the rodent and flung it toward the veranda in a high parabola.
Moments later they were alone, arcing up into space in a high parabola.
They were going to toss the bomb in a high parabola so it would have the right angle and energy to penetrate.
Cuellar himself stood transfixed at the plate, watching the pellet transcibe a high parabola in the direction of the right-field seats.