Their replacements are probably delighted to have jobs and an entry path to higher percentiles.
Our repeat rate is in the high 90 percentile each year.
Several studies show that parents from a variety of backgrounds and social classes all prefer to see their children growing at the high percentiles.
This is well on the higher percentiles of the "optimistic" range and a mere 3 points from the "very optimistic" level.
For the Asian mother to say she is very satisfied, the child must be up in the highest percentiles.
His salary would almost double but the job risk factor would climb into a higher percentile as well.
"By national standards, our average child might be in a higher percentile in another part of the country," Dr. Rosen said.
For years, research on inequality generally didn't go higher than the 95th, or occasionally the 99th, percentile.
She took a number of intelligence tests, and the results put her in the highest fifth percentile of the population.
I'll have you know my little bro-my brother-passed in the highest percentile!