The high short-term radioactivity of spent nuclear fuel is primarily from fission products with short half-life.
Due to its scarcity, high radioactivity and toxicity, there are currently no uses for protactinium outside of basic research.
Due to its high radioactivity, it has been less well-studied by chemists, but a few compounds are known.
Did they even test for a high radioactivity?
The city is also dotted with "hot spots" of high radioactivity.
It also discloses that the troops were exposed to high radioactivity for an extended time, at least the whole day.
Due to the high radioactivity of the planet, the natives of Trom were never many, living in a few valleys.
Seaborgium's high radioactivity would make it a toxic element, due to radiation poisoning.
Then he found himself in an area of high radioactivity (he'd taken along counters).
Also I should tell you that if you got lost down there, you could well find yourself in an area of high radioactivity.