Stay up on the high ramparts, safe behind the battlements.
It was enough to drive a scion to seek out the highest ramparts and throw himself over.
Delighted laughter floated down from the high ramparts of the citadel on the hill.
The abbey was surrounded by a high rampart and a deep moat.
He sat down on the backed stool provided for him, just high enough to be able to see over the granite rampart.
They walked north three miles before finding a cut that they could walk up through to pass beyond this high rampart.
Thick, high ramparts close off the North side, which is the only point from which the village can be approached.
After a time, he followed Tuolin down the wide stairway to the high ramparts, into the dark streets.
He was like the night wind, blowing in across the high ramparts.
Both she and Hal looked ahead to the high blue rampart that filled the sky ahead.