The all time highest ridership was 91.8 million in 1949.
The highest ridership since the initiation of the bus system was 882 trips on January 3, 2006.
The study reported that the high ridership (over 70,000 per day) was a contributor:
The high ridership results in increased pedestrian traffic near stations as compared to other light rail systems.
Very high ridership is expected due to its unique travel theme: around 80000 passengers a day The line will be 55 miles in length.
Over the same period, the railroad's cost per passenger carried dropped to $7.36 from $12.52 due to automation and higher ridership.
The line has been very successful, receiving a 65% higher ridership than expected in its first year of service.
This route once had the highest ridership of all routes in operation, but at the current time only averaged over 100 passengers a day.
Within the first week of service, the bus network had seen high ridership.
Its operating cost per passenger was also much lower because of its higher ridership.