Three youths were charged today with attempted murder in connection with a shooting Tuesday that wounded a high school custodian and a student, the Essex County Prosecutor said.
Mr. Huntley, a high school custodian, was charged today with murder in both cases and is being held in a prison psychiatric unit.
Here's a check of his facts, and reaction from the union, a high school custodian and students.
Mr. Veling, 44, worked two jobs - one as a fireman with Engine 235 in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, and one as a high school custodian in Manhattan - so his scarce time at home was devoted to his three children, Ryan, 7, Cynthia, 6, and Kevin.
An exception was a high school custodian who failed to account for $162,000 he claimed to have spent on cleaning supplies and services over a two-year period, according to city disciplinary records.
A good thing too, says Kevin Kittle, a high school custodian, because if she had waited for him to ask, he says, he would "still be single."