They continued their bombardment with high explosive shells for the remainder of the two hours.
While doing so, he was mortally wounded by an enemy high explosive shell.
Scot had never noticed before, but the body of the ambulance was very similar to a truck's, with a high shell over the bed.
A high explosive shell was designed for the 2-pdr but never produced.
On the other side, the 4.5 inch gun was criticized for insufficient power of its high explosive shell.
By 1942, after authorization had been sought and granted to use high explosive shells, the new M2 model was being built with stronger barrels.
For a given length, the female has a higher (more rounded, less flat) top shell.
Due to its complexity it was dropped in favour of the simple high explosive shell.
It was admitted that high explosive shells were dangerous.
They also fired high explosive shells on trenches at Point 630.