It records some of the highest snowfalls in the Maritime Provinces.
The abnormally high snowfall the past winter could have yielded such results, they said.
During these months, there is usually high snowfall.
These areas are among the highest average snowfalls in the state.
It also had 50% more lift towers, which were greater in height in anticipation of high snowfall.
The highest seasonal snowfall was 73.6" in the winter of 1949-1950 and the lowest has been none on many occasions.
Glenshee is known for high snowfalls and the A93 features regularly on the list of roads closed in bad weather.
Investment in snow-making equipment has become essential, even in areas known for high snowfalls.
But since precipitation is not high, the city doesn't get high snowfalls.
In turn, 1977, 1978 and 1979 were again years of high snowfall.