The most outrageous sight was arguably the old man in the canary-yellow shorts, wearing high black socks and garters.
So we keep a closet full of doxycycline, wear high white socks, and hope for the best.
Van Horn was little more than a 6-foot-10 ghost with high black socks.
Thome is known throughout the baseball world for wearing high socks and for his unique batting stance.
The trend back to knickers and high socks is particularly evident among youth and high-school teams.
Knee-length or thigh high socks which cover knee and thighs.
Wright even started wearing kneepads and high socks the way Lewis did.
He had been wearing white socks too high above his calf.
"You had to find out which guys were wearing low socks or high socks."
He is Rearing the short pants, blazer and high socks of an English loolboy.