In direct fire combat they offer an unmatched combination of higher survivability and firepower among ground-based warfare systems.
The B-1 has higher survivability and speed when compared to the older B-52, which it was intended to replace.
Moving the ammunition out of the crew's compartment would have resulted in a higher survivability in case of a penetration.
My prototype has shown a four percent higher survivability in every reasonable simulation that we have run.
The entire system is designed to be set up quickly and to be highly mobile for high survivability.
Taskings which assured high survivability of the operators involved.
After the war was over, it was found that the aircraft had a high survivability, being able fly home safely despite receiving heavy damage.
Compared with other cichlids, these species produce fewer but bigger eggs, and when they emerge, the fry are better developed and have a higher survivability.
However, this did not address the problem the MX was originally intended to solve, providing high survivability.
Brownout accidents occur close to the ground and at low airspeed, giving these accidents a higher survivability than other types.