These frogs rarely ever descend from high treetops except for breeding.
They were over the highest treetops, which could mean anything depending on where you were on Grith.
Not even a breeze stirred the high treetops.
The unseen monkeys in the high treetops screeched, calling to each other.
The sun's rays would soon light the higher treetops.
It makes its home in the highest treetops on the island of New Caledonia.
Birds called sweetly from the high treetops behind them on the mountainslopes.
A glance from the window; The Shadow saw that the sun had dropped below the high treetops.
She looked over at him, only vaguely aware of birds singing in the high treetops around her, oblivious to mortal concerns.
A white owl launched itself from a high treetop and glided down past the horse and rider.