But the ideals he most revered in those days are no longer held to be the highest types of men.
The magnifications range from 100x to 1,000,000x or higher for both microscope types.
So far as man could judge at all in the matter, he was definitely the higher type.
In the first place, our policy is to produce new individuals of higher type than ourselves, for we are very far from biologically perfect.
"Where did you high types come up with this capo-zuccone?"
We are of a much higher type than the Tharoo.
And half-breeds are not conducive to the higher type of society.
By this account, using one's reason is the best way to live, and philosophers are the highest types of humans.
I have evolved to the highest type of life but one - pure thought.
Couples with children 69.3% were the most common type of household, much higher than the national average of 44.6%.