It presented to her the highest vantage for viewing her surroundings.
The conscious part of his mind watched himself and the two administrators from a high vantage.
From the chair's higher vantage, she could see the entirety of the huge bridge airscreen.
The crowd yelled; some climbed the thick vines to get a higher vantage.
The squadron looked down into the council chamber from the high vantage of an air vent.
His eyes scanned the horizon from that slightly higher vantage.
From her high vantage, Jessica studied the men.
From my high vantage I tried to find her again, but my vision was limited in this form.
A path led to the hill's highest vantage; beneath the full moon it was a ditch of silver.
And, even from this high vantage, still suspended in the thin air, Icebones could hear the call of mammoths.