Washington's leading French chef dies of a heart attack that at first seems the natural outcome of a high-cholesterol diet but is soon revealed to be murder.
In a recent study at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center in Dallas, only modest changes in blood cholesterol resulted from a high-cholesterol diet.
Among the infected chickens Mrs. Fabricant studied, those given high-cholesterol diets had more blockages.
His one modern characteristic was his abnormally hardened arteries, due no doubt to his unhealthily high-cholesterol diet.
Statistically obese women who have a high-cholesterol diet have a higher risk of getting breast cancer, but overall, diet seems to be a minor factor.
But when the animals are kept free of the virus and are fed a high-cholesterol diet, they do not develop clogged arteries.
It has been shown that high-cholesterol diets tend to increase Aβ pathology in animals.
Troxerutin has been shown in mice to reverse CNS insulin resistance and reduce reactive oxygen species induced by a high-cholesterol diet.
Chyu's team studied mice fed a high-cholesterol diet and then given a plaque-inducing injury to their main heart artery.
Ever since, audiences have been fed a high-cholesterol diet rich in superlatives and lovingly garnished with terms like "startlingly original," "mesmerizing" and "enchanting."