The practice of individual institutions has been to eliminate or cancel low-use, high-cost items, whether these are monographs or serials.
This would be a high-cost item at every level, especially at retail.
The commission on very high-cost items can be as low as 1%.
It is a low-profit, high-cost item because of its slow weaving speed.
Soon, however, Americans began buying again, and the pent-up demand for new houses, cars, kitchen appliances and other high-cost items helped the economy rebound.
But spending on such high-cost items would have to increase exponentially just to give the country a decisive military advantage in the Taiwan Strait in this decade.
Fewer people, he said, will be able to buy or refinance houses or purchase cars and other high-cost items.
Manufacturing of durable goods - long-lasting, high-cost items like cars and appliances - is second, with 31 percent of employers responding favorably.
The News, long starved of national advertising and never an important ad venue for high-cost items, had won a full-color, two-page Cadillac ad.
They are pressing hard for speed on such high-cost items as health care changes and workers' compensation.