For fashion, especially high-end fashion, to be successful, it has to be produced and sold in volume.
Staple mixes street-minded sensibilities with mature sophisticated nods to high-end fashion.
Once reserved for high-end fashion and western wear, leather is now so common that it's in every store window from Gucci to the Gap.
The chances are good that the slick crowd here can relate to a Western model and the high-end fashions she is selling.
Designers want to market to readers who are looking at our coverage of high-end fashion.
"I can't necessarily afford the high-end fashion, so I make my own things up," she said.
But advertisers for high-end fashion still elude Essence.
But advertisers will not rally to a book full of chatter that excludes their industries - namely, high-end fashion and cosmetics.
Among those whose business it is this week to put across high-end fashion, Mr. Doonan and his attitude would be something of an anomaly.
Yet she has adapted herself quite fluently to the world of high-end fashion, and its prices.